Thursday, February 26, 2009
top three again!
I played soccer to day at recess and I kept hitting this one girl with the ball! First I hit her in the face(owee) then i stepped on her foot(wait that's not the ball) then I hit her leg like really hard. I feel so bad!
I had a stupid math test today, but I finished it which means I don't have do it on tomorrow! Yay!
The poll is going down in a couple days so if you haven't voted yet then VOTE!
(Hey do you guys like these paragraphs?) Did you guys know I have never gotten more than 6 comments? I think that is very strange.
So vote and comment!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I am soooo bored! I’ve been going through old posts and realized
#1 that I have not been blogging as consistently as I thought. I get lazy.
#2 they have started getting shorter and shorter and shorter. I get lazy. Again.
#3 Okay is any one else getting bored whit this? Oh that’s just me I never indent paragraphs. And yes those where supposed to be paragraphs.
And #4 I blog about Smokey more than almost any thing except apparently school? I don’t know what’s the deal with that.
So I'm going to work on all of those except the one about my kitty. Oooooh! I just thought of something to blog about!
Any one read the among series by Margaret Peterson Haddix? The first book is among the hidden. It’s good its about the future (shiny!) so in the future before the book there are big droughts and no food so they made it a law that no families could have more than two kids. So basically the government and population police control every thing like what you can and cant grow and if you break the population law the kid and parents were killed. Luke is an illegal third child or a shadow child who lives on a farm in the forest and so he has to stay hidden which is easy when there is no one around but then the government starts to build houses around them for the Barons du du duuuuuuuuuuuuum. That’s when the book gets good.
ByeFriday, February 20, 2009
random-tomorow top three today
And today is top three oh the week. Okay I just decided I was not going to do categories any More. #1 is "Come Together" by the Beatles, #2"Extraordinary Machine" by Fiona apple, #3"You and I Both" by Jason Mraz. I'll get those on my play list over the next few day.
okay bubye now!
Friday, February 13, 2009
top threeee oh yea
Okay you might have noticed but I put all of the top threes on the play list at the bottom of the page-ish above the daily Picasso painting (its been on the same one for three days!) Kay and here are this weeks songs. The theme is song that are ALL over the radio. Well at least when I’m listening. "Love Song" by Sara Barreiles, “The Show” by Lenka, and "Love Story" by Taylor Swift.
Okay today my grade went roller bladeing and on the bus I was listening to love story on random persons ipod and then the bus driver turned the radio on and it was love story. Then when we got there they played it while we were skating. When we were there I learned I'm not good at those skates that have the double wheels

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
valentines day!!
I had dance yesterday we are doing Swan Lake for the preformance this year. Its the first week of april right before Easter.
Oh and last week I didnt do top three so here are last weeks. The theme is(dramatic pause) okay I actually can think of one so here are the songs. "Starlight" by Muse, "Parting Gift" by Fiona Apple, "Letterbox" by They Might be Giants.
kay thats all for today sorry the spell checker wont work so yea.